Thursday, August 10, 2006

Man what a nice picture this creates of todays Christianity.

I want to help but not really that much.

Fill me up Lord but not full.

Can I dive in but not get my hair wet?

Come on guys help me think of more...

but don't say that you can and then not do it.

-signing off


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Can I rock the boat without getting out of it?

. . . that's where I am.

1:52 PM  
Blogger Mark W. said...

1. Set me on fire...but not uncomfortably hot, please...a nice, ,easy "simmer" perhaps? Ooh, that's nice!

2. Make me a my own side of the tracks. I just can't reach those 'other' folks; you know what I mean?

3. I'll walk the straight and long as the trouble makers stay the $%#* out of my way!

Tay - sorry for the crassness, but I think these reflect reality...what do you think?

10:19 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Are there any sharks? How about jellyfish? I really don't even like those little waterbugs or daddy long legs. . . and if it's too cold can i get right out and dry off?

3:01 AM  
Blogger p said...

These are convicting thoughts to a person as addicted to comfort as I am. It just seems like the roots to my desire to be comfortable grow deeper as I get older and more calloused. It just seems like the closer I get to God and the more sins I see in my life, the harder it is to die to myself. Here's one for the road:

I'm a slave to the living God; well, figuratively. I'll give you everything; well, almost everything.

7:27 PM  
Blogger Jerry James said...

The things of God are the water in the swimming pool. Some people just drive by. Some people stand outside the fence and look in. Some people come in, but only sit by the pool. Some people put their feet in. Some people wade, but only in the shallow end. Some people swim, and some people do cannon balls off the high dive.
Marco Polo.

7:57 PM  
Anonymous snore stop said...

I LOVE your blogging style. It just seems like the roots to my desire to be comfortable grow deeper as I get older and more calloused.

11:24 PM  
Anonymous stock trading said...

It just seems like the closer I get to God and the more sins I see in my life, the harder it is to die to myself.
I like your blog.

1:28 AM  

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