Could this also be translated...
I think therefore I do.
Our bodies respond so quickly to our brain. Sometimes we are doing things before we even think to realize that we are doing it. That my friends is powerful and also dangerous all in the same instance. Let me explain with a few questions for the road.
Have you ever said something without thinking?
Do you really think about street signs or do you just know that a yellow sign means yield?
If you have an itch, do you think "Man, my nose itches. I think I'll scratch it."
When you touch something hot, do you really have time to think about taking your hand away?
Have you ever just sat completely still for more than 30 seconds (not counting when you are in bed)?
I think therefore I do.
So if I could tame this aspect of my life...
...could I actually pray without seasing?
...could I hold my tongue and just listen instead of rambling?
...could I notice an attractive person and praise God for her beauty?
...could I train my foot to hit the breaks in my car more often for people having car trouble than when I see a police car?
I think therefore I do.
That must mean that our actions must have alot to do with what we pour into our minds. It means that even the smallest details of our life are important. It means that in any instance or circumstance we have a choice.
I think therefore I do.
wow, i blink and there are 3 new posts. how does this happen?!
awesome stuff, tay. thought-provoking...
Nice reflections - Descartes would be proud...though he might also point out that the way you are using the word "think" is slightly different than the way he was using it.
For Descartes, thought was an action, so "thinking" and "doing" would have been synonymous for him...both equally a reason for "being." In essence, you're both saying the same thing.
What a world this would be if we all, likewise, stopped separating these two ideas from one another.
Think about that = Do that!
Thinking before we act is a steppi ng stone toward acting and reacting correctly as a natural response. Oh the times I wish I could rewind and think again before stepping in pooh. It stinks when I do that.
Interesting post....Really gives you something to think about.....Or does it?
Cogito ergo Sum.
This is the famous phrase uttered by enlightenment thinker Descarte, that translated means "I think therefore I am."
Far better is von Balthasar's adaptation, Cogitur Judicur: ergo Sum. "I am considered, and evaluated [by God's creative gaze]: therefore I am.
I think i'll post on this in the future.
What a world this would be if we all, likewise, stopped separating these two ideas from one another.Thank you for bringing such nice posts.
What a world this would be if we all, likewise, stopped separating these two ideas from one another.Interesting post.
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